Natural Healing Health & Wellness

Coaching & Classes

Holistic Wellness Coaching

What is Wellness Coaching?

Coaching is a process of working collaboratively to facilitate healthy changes that help an individual reach his or her full potential. These changes could be medically-supervised lifestyle changes or everyday life situations, and address the individual’s well-being at the physical, mental and spiritual levels. The holistic wellness coach integrates multiple effective techniques to help the client OWN his or her own wellbeing.


Benefits of Holistic Wellness Coaching to the individual:

Identify a personal level of readiness for change

Identify new opportunities, issues or concerns

Create structure for implementing change

Generate internal empowerment and motivation for setting and meeting goals

Evaluate and celebrate success

Review and re-frame failure

Achieve profound levels of personal transformation



Nutrition Assessment,

Nutrition Counseling,

Weight Management,

Pain Management,



Mindful Nutrition,

Essential Oil Use for Home,

Retrain your Brain: Releasing Toxic Thoughts and Emotions

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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